In Numerology, it is understood that numbers carry specific energies that function like personality traits, influencing people and events in ways that are almost always unanticipated and often misunderstood.
Through the study of Numerology, it is possible to uncover the hidden energies that are influencing your present life conditions.
Compound numbers, like number 18, can be evaluated in a few different ways. Traditionally, compound numbers are reduced to an underlying root number that is influencing its vibration with the strongest energy.
However, compound numbers also retain much of the vibrational essence of the individual numbers that make them up.
By evaluating the way these numbers interact, we can uncover a hidden matrix of Numerological energy that is guiding and influencing your life.
Eighteen is the numerical value of the Hebrew word “chai” which means “life.” It’s a deceptively simple two-letter word made up of the Hebrew letters “chet” and “yud.” It is a Jewish custom to give monetary gifts in increments of 18, thus symbolically blessing the recipient of the gift with a good long life. is the reason for the Jews to give money gifts and donations in multiples of 18 — 18, 36, 54,180, 1800 etc.
When giving charity, the number 18 has another significance. It expresses our prayer that the merit of the charity given stand in our good stead, that we blessed with life and prosperity. For all the many commandments in the Torah, Jews are reminded these are the laws “v’chai bahem,” that you will live through them. It’s also a reminder of how a person should live, in accordance with the commandments and as ethical, moral beings.
According to the Rabbi “Sefer Yetzirah”, the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet are the building blocks of the universe. He explains that there is a connection between objects and ideas that have the same Gematria (numerical equivalent), or other letter connections. Thus in some way, anything that equals 18 has a connection to Chai/Life. There are both positive and negative words that equal 18.
Ohavi – my beloved = 18
Aivah – a type of hatred = 18
Cheit – sin = 18
Perhaps, this teaches us that we can transform hatred into love and that through Teshuvah (Repentance), we can transform sin (which is deadly) into life.
The Amidah, which is the central prayer of every service, was originally composed with 18 blessings and is still referred to as the Shemoneh Esrei – the Hebrew words for the number 18.
The Talmud records a variety of reasons for this: To correspond to the
18 vertebrae in a person’s spine, the 18 times that our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are mentioned together in the Torah or the 18 times God’s name is mentioned in the Shema.
There is even a connection to food because for matzah to be kosher for use on Pesach, it must be made in a maximum of 18 minutes, as this is the time it takes for dough to rise and that is why you might see the words ’18 minutes’ printed on the box.
Although golf is a popular game among Jewish people, I have not been able to uncover the significance of it consisting of 18 holes, but suggest it may reflect
life itself is a journey into the unknown, where we encounter the rough and fairways with the ultimate aim to make it back to the clubhouse for a l’chaim!
In the 18th chapter of Vayikra, God instructs us: ‘You shall keep My laws and My rules, by the pursuit of which a person shall live: I am God.’
The phrase v’chai bahem – and live by them is the source of the Jewish principle that the sanctity of human life is
In Judaism, what does “Chai” mean?
The word “chai’ translated from Hebrew to English means “life.” Within the Jewish faith, the word “chai” possesses both numerical and symbolic meaning. The Hebrew word consists of two (2) letters in the alphabet: Chet (ח) and Yud (י). Together these letters form “chai” which signifies life and represents being alive.
The Numerical Significance of ChaiIn
Judaism, the word “chai” is numerically significant, and the number 18, is universally synonymous with this word. Numerically, the words consist of the eighth (8th) and tenth (10th) letters of the Hebrew alphabet Chet (ח) and Yud (י), adding up to eighteen the number 18, which is also the word “Chai”. According to Jewish traditions and scriptures, there are prayers, including the Amidah, commonly referred to as “Shmoneh Esreh” (which translates to “the 18”) and refers to the eighteen individual prayers. There is a deep connection drawn upon the word ‘chai’, its meaning’ life’ and the numerical value of the letters that comprise this word.
The Symbolic Meaning of Chai
Traditionally, the Jewish religion, similar to many other religions and cultures, places emphasis on the significance of life. As such, the literal translation of the word “chai’ to ‘life is meaningful on its face. In addition, individuals who observe Judaism or identify with the religion are generally guided by basic principles which include characteristics such as kindness, thoughtfulness, selflessness and remaining good-natured, both morally and ethically during life on Earth. In addition to the number 18 or numerical significance, the “Chai” is a recognizable symbol commonly worn on necklaces and engraved on rings.
Gifts of “Chai” (“$18”)
In Judaism, it is common to give and receive gifts in multiples of $18 or “Chai”, which in part signifies a good omen for life. In fact, the longstanding Jewish tradition of gifting, contributing or donating in increments of $18 to individuals is often considered a good deed and mitzvah. Generally, these gifting rituals take place in connection with the celebration, honouring or remembrance of loved ones. This custom is also common during all life-cycle events, including rites of passage, and any Jewish occasion from birth announcements and weddings to express condolences. The act of giving, gifting or donating $18 or a multiple thereof is commonly referred to as “giving chai.” This nomenclature extends to multiples as the number 36 is commonly referred to as “double Chai.” Symbolically, these gestures are representative of giving a gift of “life.”
Emotional characteristics of people of number 18
Number 18 with emotional and sex-related characteristics are mainly determined by number 9. These people are very sexual but are unable to express their will and often experiencing frustration. They believe that the desire to express shame, and it seems to show weakness. They suppress it yourself and indulge in melancholy. But they are also influenced by the number 8, which is a sensitive and gentle lover, and sexually potent. Conflicts can occur in rare cases because number 8 does not hide anything from them by love.
All components – 1, 8, 9 are sexually powerful and can imagine the results it gives. Number 9 is dominated, as well as the number 1, so the number is 18 wants to be a determinant of the heart. A partner should be gentle and docile; otherwise nothing will come. In addition, it should be the primary sex number 9, because the number 18 is unable to express their feelings and desires openly. This number is a very loyal friend, but they are not easy to live with. At the same time, the number 8 number 18 counteracts the dominant character and prevents it by force to impose their will on others. Although the number 18 is not easy to get along, these people are interesting, smart and even pleasant companions. In short, his partner or friend to be compliant and at the same time – the leader of sex, that is, he should know when to take control.
People of number 18 in relationship
Number’s 18 friends can be people who have the same mental qualities and ambition. 18th date of births vanity prevails, people who do not, they are considered as Feeble, with them they are not keen on contact. They just despise those who are not as vigorous but endures, thanks to number eight effects. Although it is domineering, they can be good friends, because the number 8 makes them sensitive and suppresses the desire to command. In order to maintain the friendship, not to speak to them in return.
Lucky Numbers in China
Numbers have always played a significant role in Chinese culture. People in China traditionally associate fortune with lucky numbers. Thus, there came a system of lucky numbers in their own way. It is undeniable that numbers differ from auspicious and ominous. So, Chinese take lucky numbers combination into important consideration in daily life, such as in occasions when they buy residences, choose telephone numbers, select a date of a wedding ceremony, and pick an identification number for their vehicle. They believe lucky numbers can bring them good luck.
The Chinese are very superstitious when it comes to numbers, and they choose telephone numbers, house numbers, business numbers, car number plates and anything that has numbers in it very carefully.
Every month we get to visit many homes and businesses on consultations, and it amazes us how far our clients take Feng Shui almost to paranoia, which is not good. If you have bad numbers, do not worry about it, as I will show you how to eliminate the inauspicious effects.
A little story, to begin with, last Friday night I was parked outside the cinema waiting to pick up my two boys, and as much as I hate to admit it, I was listening to BBC Radio 4. I know you always think of the Archers or such like and this is what my Grandma used to listen too, they have some great debates on some nights.
Anyway, this program was about superstition, and one of the interviewers was saying how she was not superstitious but had spent the last 30 years saluting magpies or never walking under ladders or the cracks of pavements. Well, numbers and Feng Shui, are more superstitious Chinese folklore than anything else, do I take it seriously? Yes and no, if I found the perfect Feng Shui house with a good facing direction and it was good for my family, but the house number was number 4, I would still buy it although I have to admit I would use the countermeasures listed below.
The main reason these numbers are considered unlucky is that the way the numbers sound when spoken especially to the Cantonese. An example in western numbers would be the #11 could sound like heaven, or #8 sounds like weight or #1 sounds like son, do you see what I mean? So if you have an unlucky #4 and you are from a country other than China. Think of #4 as sounding like “more” which is great
In China, the number 18 is considered a very auspicious number. It is associated with someone who is number 18going to have great success and prosper! The reason is that when 18 is alternatively pronounced 幺八 (yāo bā), it strongly resembles the words “going to prosper”.
Living in house number 18 or apartment, 18 is considered fortunate. Certainly running a business from number 18 should be an indicator of success.
Angel Number 18
Angel number 18 is the number of manifesting abundance into your experience. When you see angel number 18 in your experience, it is a sign that you have mastered the processes of the material world and are about to see the fulfilment of your wishes.
Our lives are not just random occurrences but are instead imbued with a spiritual purpose that both transcends and informs our material existence on Earth.
Our angels are always communicating with us about this higher purpose in life. Often, these messages take the form of seemingly random number sequences known as angel numbers.
The Deeper Meaning of Angel Number 18
Another way to look at angel number 18 is to reduce it to its nearest root number.
We do this by adding the individual digits together like this: 1 + 8 = 9.
It could be that your angels are sending you important messages that are chiefly concerned with spirituality and your life’s purpose.
More Numerology Number 18 Meanings
The number 18 has meanings in addition to those already expressed. All meanings are subordinate to the essence of the welfare of humanity.
The energies of the number 18 in a prominent position of a numerology chart tend to have a tolerant, inviting quality.
The number 18 resonates its true essence in situations where it’s able to donate money or otherwise help provide for the operations of groups and organizations dedicated to some aspect of the welfare of humanity. Rather than operate an organization, it prefers to assist many — aligning most of its focus toward its own projects and goals.
A cause to support helps 18 be more of what it is.