Should Your Kitchen Cabinets Match Your Wall Colour?

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    When deciding on a new paint colour for your kitchen, you may be debating whether or not the walls should complement the cabinets. We've figured it out, so you don't have to.

    Having identical wall and cabinet colours in a kitchen is unnecessary. For instance, you don't have to match the colour of your cabinets and walls. They can be identical if that's what you prefer. However, you can also choose cabinets and walls that either contrast with or complement each other. You can go right so long as the overall aesthetic is satisfying.

    You know your walls and cabinets don't have to be identical, but if you read on, you'll find some design ideas to consider. Questions like "How do I choose a wall colour?" and "Should I avoid any particular colours?" will also be addressed.

    Important Guidelines For Matching Wall And Cabinet Colours

    The colour of your kitchen cabinets will significantly impact the choice of paint you make for the walls. Therefore, give the following suggestions some thought to guarantee a successful outcome.

    For Aesthetics, Try A Tone-On-Tone Appearance.

    A researcher says paintings that draw the eye and highlight key details are essential.

    You want to make an impression that will make people want to hang out in your kitchen, so keep that in mind.

    However, how exactly does tone play a role in highlighting beauty? Using a limited palette of colours all of the same tonal value is referred to as the "tone-on-tone" technique.

    To achieve the desired appearance for your kitchen cabinets, you great together; it's important to use colours of similar saturation.

    Make Use Of Multi-Colored Backsplashes.

    Trying your hand at making some new hues in the kitchen can be a fun challenge. The kitchen is one of the best places to experiment with various fun, gentle, and distinctive colour combinations.

    Break The Monotony With Two-Toned Kitchen Cabinets.

    Creating a point of focus in your kitchen does not require you to stick to using just one colour, even though doing so helps bring out the power of the space.

    A two-tone cabinet is an eye-catching design choice and an easy way to give your kitchen a more personal, comfortable vibe. A metal cabinet stand can be added to complete the transformation.

    A kitchen decorated in a single colour may be seen as dated. Then, to add some pizazz to your kitchen and give it a more contemporary feel, why try a two-toned cabinet?

    Kitchen Cabinet Colours Should Match.

    Wall colour is a major influence in establishing the mood and atmosphere of a kitchen, but cabinet colour is just as significant. Wall, flooring, appliance, and countertop colours should all work together harmoniously. You may go with a lighter tone to balance off a darker wall, but if the floor is equally pale, you'll want to find something in the middle.

    Consider Materials.

    Don't just settle for painted wood cabinets when you can explore the natural hues available in various other materials. Both light and dark wall colours look good with metal or natural wood cabinets. Another option is to mix things up in an unexpected way, as demonstrated by this kitchen.

    Colour Can Help To Balance Light And Mood.

    A room with lighter walls feels larger, while one with darker walls feels more intimate and cosy. If your kitchen has a lot of windows and light-coloured walls, the cabinets are begging to be painted a darker shade. But, if your cooking area doesn't get a lot of natural light, choosing a light hue for your kitchen cabinets can help you feel less claustrophobic, especially if your walls are dark or your cabinets have a naturally deep granite countertop.

    Using complementary colours is another. It could be visually off-putting if the cabinets and floor were the same colour, as there wouldn't be any clear area of differentiation. Cabinets, floors, and walls should all be a different colour or shade from one another in a small kitchen to help the eye distinguish between them.

    For instance, cabinets painted a muted brown, cream, or yellow would stand out nicely against a backdrop of oak floors and beige walls. Light green and deep blue are more striking yet harmonious colour choices. Controls the kitchen's ambience and decor. If you want a relaxing atmosphere, opt for cabinet colours that are a shade or two lighter or darker than the walls.

    Cabinets that are a striking contrast to the walls may appeal to those who enjoy visual drama. Try a triadic colour scheme for a little each: pink with yellow-orange, green with violet, or red with vivid yellow and deep blue. Take a cue from these seemingly jarring colour schemes that work.

    Add Contrast.

    If you want your kitchen to really pop, try painting the walls and cabinets a contrasting colour. The cabinets can be a stunning visual contrast to the walls, creating visual interest and a focal point. For more two-tone kitchen inspiration, consider these various layouts.

    Considerations For Cabinet-Wall Colours

    There are two possibilities for the wall colour of the cabinets.

    • The construction material of the wall cabinets.
    • The way the wall cabinet looks.

    But there are alternatives for you to think about before settling on a decision. But keep in mind that there is no rule you have to follow when experimenting with colour. So, take a chance and make your kitchen the best.

    Dark Colour

    You can also get a great look for your kitchen with darker colours. It's still doable to have black walls and dark cabinets.

    The kitchen floor, however, should be a contrasting colour in this case. Use contrasting hues and lighting to break the ambience effectively.

    If you don't make any noise, the room might as well be pitch black with all the cabinets closed.

    Here are some examples of dark hues:

    • Burgundy
    • Black
    • Charcoal
    • Dark Gray
    • Hunter Green
    • Navy Blue
    • Russet
    • Tyrian Purple

    Light colours 

    Smaller kitchens, or those with stainless steel appliances, typically benefit from a lighter paint colour. Colours like blue, red, and green are examples of pastel paints.

    They make the room feel more open and bright overall.

    Harmonious Colours

    Complementary colours are another name for them. They are wonderful for bringing harmony to the cooking space. Most naturally occuring colour schemes are harmonious.

    Contrasting Colours

    Instead of painting your kitchen cabinets and walls the same colour, try using a combination of two completely different colours. Keep in mind that the goal is to make your kitchen stand out from others like it.

    In addition, using contrast helps your design to pop. Kitchens with cabinets that stand out from the walls are eye-catching.

    The following are some examples of contrasting floor colours to think about:

    • Orange contrasts with light blue.
    • A tinge of red complements the green colour.
    • Purple contrasted with pale yellow.
    • Cabinets in black and pure white.

    Choosing Kitchen Cabinetry That Fit Your Wall Colour: Pros And Cons

    The decision to paint your kitchen cabinets the same colour as your walls is a bold design decision that can positively and negatively affect your home. To help you decide, we listed a few benefits and drawbacks below.


    • Design and colour scheme consistency. If you paint your kitchen cabinets to match the wall colour, you'll have a well-balanced colour scheme. This uniformity can be aesthetically pleasing and help bring harmony to your cooking space.
    • It may make the kitchen appear larger. When the cabinets and walls in a small kitchen are the same colour, it gives the impression of more room. Because the eye is not drawn to the room's edges, it gets the impression that it is more spacious and airy.
    • Excellent for achieving a clean and minimalist look. Cabinets and walls that are the same colour can help those who like a minimalist look achieve that goal. The clean lines and simple shapes of a kitchen can be accentuated by using a single colour palette.
    • Creates a cohesive appearance. When the cabinets and walls in a kitchen are the same colour, the space feels more uniform and stylish. This works especially well in open-concept homes, where the kitchen is part of a much bigger communal space.
    • Excellent for Achieving a Dark and Gloomy Appearance. Having cabinetry the same colour as the wall can help achieve a dramatic, gloomy, or ominous atmosphere. Especially in a monochromatic design, dark colours can make a space feel more opulent and spacious.


    • The kitchen can feel dull if there isn't enough contrast. Having everything in the kitchen be the same colour can be calming, but it also runs the risk of becoming boring. The design could be boring without some contrast to break up the space.
    • Design decisions based on trends might quickly become dated. It may be in style right now to have cabinets the same colour as the walls, but that will likely change soon. Current trends could seem old-fashioned in a few years. Make sure you're choosing a coordinated colour scheme because you adore it, not because it's in vogue.
    • Finding Perfect Matching for Paint and Cabinet Colors is Challenging. It cannot be easy to paint your cabinets the same colour as your walls. If you're going for an exact match, any deviations in tone or shade will stand out and throw off the aesthetic.

    Factors To Consider When Matching Colours

    Just because you want everything to go together doesn't mean you must paint the walls and cabinets the same colour.

    People are motivated by a wide range of factors when it comes to coordinating furniture and walls. However, if you want to succeed, consider the following advice.

    Kitchen Ambience And Style

    Think about the look and feel you want to achieve in the atmosphere of your kitchen. The same individual colours or colour combinations can convey very different feelings and aesthetics. For instance, if you want your kitchen to have a light and airy feel, you can help achieve that look by painting the walls a lighter colour, such as white or pastel. On the other hand, if you want your kitchen to have a striking and dramatic appearance, you should choose deeper and richer colours.

    Lighting Conditions

    Think about how bright your kitchen is. The way colours look in different types of lighting, such as natural and artificial, can vary widely. While different artificial lighting sources can produce a wide range of tones, natural light has a tendency to reveal a more accurate colour. Make sure your colour choices still look good in various lighting settings.

    Understand Colour Undertones

    Be sure you know what you're doing before you paint your kitchen cabinets and walls. While one shade may look great in a sample, it may have unexpected results when applied to walls or cabinets.

    Therefore, it is important to determine the precise colour tone you wish to employ carefully. Light with a warm undertone will illuminate your kitchen beautifully.

    Personal Preferences And Lifestyle

    The colours you choose should reflect your personality and the way you live. Consider what hues speak to you and how they fit your design goals. Think about the effects of colour on your daily mood and productivity in the kitchen. Pick hues that speak to you and that you find aesthetically pleasing.

    Colour Harmony 

    Choose colours that complement one another to make a beautiful colour scheme. Complementary and analogous colours can be found by using a colour wheel. When used together, colours opposite on the colour wheel create a harmonious and lively effect. Colours next to each other on the colour wheel create a more soothing and harmonious atmosphere.

    Stay With Neutrals.

    Think about what colours will go well with the furniture and the walls. If you're trying to make an impression in the kitchen, be mindful of the colours you use to avoid irritating or creating unnecessary contrast.

    Keep in mind that choosing grey, brown, or white cabinets is not the only option for a neutral colour scheme. Contrarily, this colour scheme works well with the rest of the room's furnishings.

    Existing Components

    Think about the colours of the features already in your kitchen, such as the countertops, the flooring, and the appliances. Because it can be expensive to replace these components, choosing colours complementary to the existing ones is essential. To achieve a consistent and well-coordinated appearance throughout the space, select paint colours for the walls and cabinets that are complementary to the components already there.

    Use Testers

    Knowing what wall colour to pick is difficult if you are starting. The use of testers could help make a decision.

    You can predict the outcome when subjected to a new condition with the help of these testers. The fact that testers are cheap enough to use multiple colours is encouraging.


    When choosing a new paint color for your kitchen, it's important to consider the overall aesthetic and not just the walls and cabinets. The tone-on-tone technique is a technique that highlights beauty by using a limited palette of colours all of the same tonal value. To achieve the desired appearance, use colors of similar saturation.

    Make use of multi-colored backsplashes to experiment with different hues in the kitchen. Two-toned cabinets can create a point of focus and give the kitchen a more personal, comfortable vibe. Kitchen cabinet colours should match, and both light and dark wall colors look good with metal or natural wood cabinets.

    Colour can help balance light and mood, making a room with lighter walls feel larger and darker walls feel more intimate and cozy. For small kitchens, cabinets, floors, and walls should all be a different color or shade from one another to help the eye distinguish between them. For example, cabinets painted a muted brown, cream, or yellow would stand out nicely against a backdrop of oak floors and beige walls.

    Add contrast to the walls and cabinets to create visual interest and a focal point. Two-tone kitchen inspiration can be found in various layouts.

    There are two possibilities for cabinet-wall colors: the construction material of the wall cabinets and the way the wall cabinet looks. Dark colors can create a great look for your kitchen, while lighter colors make the room feel more open and bright overall. Harmonious colors, also known as complementary colors, bring harmony to the cooking space.

    Contrasting colors can be used instead of painting the cabinets and walls the same color, aiming to make your kitchen stand out from others and make your design pop. Kitchens with cabinets that stand out from the walls are eye-catching and can be a great addition to any kitchen. Contrasting floor colours can create a visually appealing and harmonious kitchen. Some examples include orange and light blue, a tinge of red and green, purple and pale yellow, and cabinets in black and white. Painting kitchen cabinets the same colour as the walls can create a well-balanced colour scheme, making the kitchen appear larger, achieving a clean and minimalist look, creating a cohesive appearance, and achieving a dark and gloomy atmosphere. However, this can also make the kitchen feel dull without enough contrast.

    When choosing paint and cabinet colors, consider factors such as kitchen ambience and style, lighting conditions, understanding colour undertones, personal preferences and lifestyle, color harmony, staying with neutrals, existing components, and using testers. These tools can help predict the outcome of a new condition and help you make a well-coordinated decision.

    In conclusion, choosing the right wall and cabinet colors can greatly impact the overall appearance of your kitchen. It's essential to consider factors such as kitchen ambience, style, lighting conditions, understanding color undertones, personal preferences, color harmony, neutrals, existing components, and using testers to help make informed decisions.

    Content Summary: 

    • When deciding on a new paint colour for your kitchen, you may be debating whether or not the walls should complement the cabinets.
    • Having identical wall and cabinet colours in a kitchen is unnecessary.
    • For instance, you don't have to match the colour of your cabinets and walls.
    • The colour of your kitchen cabinets will significantly impact the choice of paint you make for the walls.
    • Using a limited palette of colours all of the same tonal value is referred to as the "tone-on-tone" technique.
    • To achieve the desired appearance for your kitchen cabinets, you great together; it's important to use colours of similar saturation.
    • Trying your hand at making some new hues in the kitchen can be a fun challenge.
    • Creating a point of focus in your kitchen does not require you to stick to using just one colour, even though doing so helps bring out the power of the space.
    • Then, to add some pizazz to your kitchen and give it a more contemporary feel, why try a two-toned cabinet?
    • Wall colour is a major influence in establishing the mood and atmosphere of a kitchen, but cabinet colour is just as significant.
    • Both light and dark wall colours look good with metal or natural wood cabinets.
    • If your kitchen has a lot of windows and light-coloured walls, the cabinets are begging to be painted a darker shade.
    • But, if your cooking area doesn't get a lot of natural light, choosing a light hue for your kitchen cabinets can help you feel less claustrophobic, especially if your walls are dark or your cabinets have a naturally deep granite countertop.
    • Using complementary colours is another.
    • It could be visually off-putting if the cabinets and floor were the same colour, as there wouldn't be any clear area of differentiation.
    • Cabinets, floors, and walls should all be a different colour or shade from one another in a small kitchen to help the eye distinguish between them.
    • Controls the kitchen's ambience and decor.
    • If you want a relaxing atmosphere, opt for cabinet colours that are a shade or two lighter or darker than the walls.
    • If you want your kitchen to really pop, try painting the walls and cabinets a contrasting colour.
    • The cabinets can be a stunning visual contrast to the walls, creating visual interest and a focal point.
    • There are two possibilities for the wall colour of the cabinets.
    • The construction material of the wall cabinets.
    • The way the wall cabinet looks.
    • So, take a chance and make your kitchen the best.
    • You can also get a great look for your kitchen with darker colours.
    • It's still doable to have black walls and dark cabinets.
    • Use contrasting hues and lighting to break the ambience effectively.
    • They are wonderful for bringing harmony to the cooking space.
    • Most naturally occuring colour schemes are harmonious.
    • Instead of painting your kitchen cabinets and walls the same colour, try using a combination of two completely different colours.
    • The following are some examples of contrasting floor colours to think about: Orange contrasts with light blue.
    • The decision to paint your kitchen cabinets the same colour as your walls is a bold design decision that can positively and negatively affect your home.
    • Design and colour scheme consistency.
    • If you paint your kitchen cabinets to match the wall colour, you'll have a well-balanced colour scheme.
    • When the cabinets and walls in a small kitchen are the same colour, it gives the impression of more room.
    • Excellent for achieving a clean and minimalist look.
    • When the cabinets and walls in a kitchen are the same colour, the space feels more uniform and stylish.
    • Having cabinetry the same colour as the wall can help achieve a dramatic, gloomy, or ominous atmosphere.
    • Especially in a monochromatic design, dark colours can make a space feel more opulent and spacious.
    • Design decisions based on trends might quickly become dated.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Mixing different cabinet colours in your kitchen is a popular design trend. It can add visual interest and create a unique look. Consider using different colours for upper and lower cabinets or incorporating a contrasting island colour for a stylish and personalised touch.


    While there are no strict rules, it's important to consider the overall colour scheme, lighting, and personal preference. Lighter wall colours make a small kitchen feel more spacious, while darker colours create a cosy and intimate atmosphere. Experiment with samples to see what works best for your space.


    If you anticipate changing the wall colour, you can opt for more neutral cabinet colours that can easily complement various wall colours. This provides flexibility and allows you to update the look of your kitchen without changing the cabinets.


    While the kitchen cabinets don't need to match the colour of other rooms, it's a good idea to consider the overall flow and continuity of your home's colour palette. Choosing complementary or coordinating colours can create a sense of harmony and cohesiveness throughout your living spaces.


    Absolutely! Patterns or wallpaper can add a unique and eye-catching element to your kitchen design. Consider using them as accents, such as on a feature wall or as a backsplash. Ensure the patterns or wallpaper coordinate well with the cabinet and wall colours for a cohesive and balanced look.

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