Desk for standing Melbourne

Should I Buy A Standing Desk?

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    The act of sitting itself has received a negative reputation. The health effects of sitting at a computer for nine or more hours a day have been comparable to those of smoking, and an astounding 85 percent of employees report experiencing pain as a result. The sit-stand desk, often known as a standing desk, offers a solution for office workers in the current day. People are beginning to see that this ergonomically superior item has far-reaching implications beyond those of a standard piece of workplace equipment.

    Workers who use sit-stand desks are more likely to get up from time to time, which has several health benefits, especially for the spine, including relieving strain on the back and increasing metabolic rate. Do you want to sit or stand while working at your desk and are considering purchasing such a desk?

    What Is a Standing Desk?

    A standing desk is a workstation that is raised so that the user may stand while working. These desks are stable enough to support your computer, monitors, lights, and other desktop accessories without worrying about them toppling over or breaking. Your work environment will be the same, only that you'll be standing more often.

    You may pick a standing desk that fits your requirements and preferences from the many available options, including height-adjustable sit-stand desks and risers (we'll explain the distinctions below).

    Should I get a new sit-stand desk or a unit that sits on top of the desk I already own?

    The quantity of room you have is a major factor here. A freestanding sit-stand desk may be the better option if you have a wider workspace or like to spread out your work.If your current desk footprint is perfect for you, then the best affordable standing desk unit placed over your current desk may be the better option.

    Who Would Benefit from Working at a Standing Desk?

    Anyone who wants to (and would benefit from) utilising a standing desk can do so without hesitation. However, people who spend most of their day sitting at a desk, or who are mostly sedentary outside of or in addition to typical Monday-Friday work hours, may benefit greatly from investing in a standing desk.

    It is much simpler to include some extra activity into your day if you have a standing desk or a sit-stand workstation. You may improve your spine, back, and neck by investing in a high-quality office chair if you choose a hybrid workstation that allows you to switch between sitting and standing.

    Standing Desk Beneficial Melbourne

    If you've been paying attention to the globe for the previous half decade, you'll know that standing desks are the newest fad in the business world. Someone at your workplace is probably a champion of the "standing desk" movement. These devices have made their way into our homes as we equip our bedrooms, living rooms, and makeshift home offices with the newest remote work tools. Go Here.

    If you've been paying attention to the globe for the previous half decade, you'll know that standing desks are the newest fad in the business world. Someone at your workplace is probably a champion of the "standing desk" movement. These devices have made their way into our homes as we equip our bedrooms, living rooms, and makeshift home offices with the newest remote work tools.

    Standing desks are, without a doubt, over-hyped, and most of the supposed benefits simply aren't true. While the science is still catching up, the existing research strongly points in the direction that standing desks simply aren't worth the investment.

    Besides less sitting time, standing at work has other benefits: More calories burned: One study showed that standing sheds 88 calories an hour, compared to 80 calories for sitting. Less back pain: Sitting for long periods of time tightens your muscles and can hurt your lower back, especially if you have bad posture.

    Research shows the ideal ratio is to spend one hour standing for every one to two hours of sitting. A height adjustable sit stand desk lets you do just that. Most quality sit stand desks have electric controls or gas lifts to make it possible for workers to adjust the height of their desk multiple times each day.

    Standing offers proven physical benefits that include reduced back, neck, and shoulder pain, improved blood circulation, increased energy expenditure, and better posture. These should all lead to healthier and happier gamers.

    Should you use a standing desk all day? No. Just like sitting all day is not optimal, standing for a whole day isn't either. You should alternate between sitting and standing every so often during the day.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Standing Desk

    Why Buy?  

    An Easy Method to Increase Productivity and Happiness

    The health benefits and increased output of a standing desk setup are two of the most prevalent justifications for making the investment. Both can be enhanced by decreasing sedentary time and increasing physical activity. You can improve your chances of a pain-free workday by 80%* if you stand and move about more during the day. As you may expect, having a pain-free workday results in increased output. Simply put, a standing desk can help you get more done while improving your health and mood. If you require evidence, What follows is a condensed version of what scientific research has found.

    Resulting Effects on Weight Gain and Obesity

    The other benefit of standing workstations is that they help with weight loss. On this point, scientists have reached an agreement. The myth that working at a standing desk would magically rid you of your weight gain is just that: a myth. In the long run, you might lose a few pounds, but in the short term, you won't see much of a change in your weight.

    So, to sum up, there isn't enough study on the physiological effects of standing desks to determine one way or the other, but the evidence that does exist suggests that they aren't a very useful option.

    Raised Efficiency

    Your health and productivity might benefit from working at a raised desk.

    • Researchers at the Texas A&M Health Science Center showed that people who work at standing desks are up to 46% more productive than those who sit down.
    • Participants in the Texas A&M research reported a 75 percent reduction in physical discomfort.
    • Research conducted in Australia discovered that people's focus, productivity, and capacity to handle stress all improved when they worked at workstations that encouraged movement.
    • Employees' ability to think outside the box, complete tasks more quickly, and work together effectively is boosted in non-sedentary settings, according to studies.

    We weren't too shocked by these results because, in our surveys of Vari users, we often hear that working at a standing desk improves their energy levels, concentration, and output. We'd also want to hear from you if you decide to purchase a standing desk solution from us. Could you use some health, happiness, and increased output? Write a review and let us know what you think of our service.. More Help.

    The Advantages and Disadvantages of Standing Desks

    Knowing that standing desks are available, we may evaluate their benefits and drawbacks. Of course, while we may talk about them and provide suggestions, the final decision rests with you.


    Using a standing desk can help you avoid significant health problems, which is its primary advantage. Obesity, heart disease, some malignancies, shoulder discomfort, back pain, diabetes, early mortality, and so on have all been related to prolonged durations of sitting. Working at a standing desk every day is a fantastic way to reduce the risk of developing health problems associated with sitting for long periods of time (eight hours or more each day).

    And that's only the beginning of the advantages! One further way in which standing desks excel is in their ability to increase calorie expenditure. Fidgeting, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, and generally moving about all consume more calories than sitting still does. Additionally, you may find that you have improved posture as a result of working on strengthening and toning the muscles in your legs and back.

    It has been found that using a standing desk might increase productivity by as much as 45 percent. People who use them may also feel better emotionally, have more energy, and have a healthier heart rate than those who sit all day.

    It doesn't take much effort to transition from seated to standing while at your desk. The positive effects on your emotional and physical health, as well as your general well-being, will be immediately apparent once you make that shift. Surely nobody would reject that.


    The price of standing workstations is perhaps the largest drawback of using them. Standing desks can cost twice as much as standard desks ($100-$200). Standing desks have several advantages, but their high cost may make them unfeasible for certain people.

    There is always a chance that one of these tables may break because of all the mechanical pieces within. The finest standing desks should come with a guarantee, but if yours breaks and has to be repaired, you may be without a desk for a few weeks.

    Cost of a Standing Desk

    Some standing desks may cost more than $5,000, making them a hefty purchase. Thankfully, though, you can get dozens of high-quality desks at far more reasonable prices. Desks that can be adjusted manually may be found for as little as $250, while motorised models begin at approximately $500.

    You may even go with a desktop riser if you're on a lower budget. They provide a similar experience for far less money, usually between $50 to $150.

    And for what it's worth, there's no reason to spend more than $800 on a standing desk, let alone more than $1,000. Price range between $250 and $300 for a manual standing desk and $500 to $600 for a fully motorised workstation. You can still obtain loads of extra features and a good guarantee at these prices.

    Is It Okay To Work With A Standing Desk All Day?

    The recent backlash against sitting may make you want to take a position against sitting altogether and instead stand while working. However, standing for extended periods of time can be just as harmful to your back as sitting all day. The greatest strategy is to switch up your postures during the day. After being sedentary for an hour, you should get up and walk about. If you've been on your feet for a while, sit down for a bit. The healthiest thing you can do for your back is to switch between sitting and standing frequently throughout the day, which is why sit-stand desks are so wonderful.

    Make sure you're ready for the adjustment time when you make the switch to a sit-stand desk. Standing all day at work might tyre you out faster than you'd imagine if you're used to sitting all day. The shift can be made more bearable by gradually increasing the time spent standing, using supportive footwear, and making use of a gel mat. The benefits of a sit-stand workstation far outweigh any initial discomfort or inconvenience. The spinal health of your staff members will be eternally grateful.

    Are Standing Desks Worth It?

    What is the short answer? It depends.

    Although studies show no physical benefits from using a standing desk, this doesn't imply that you won't enjoy your job more if you switch to one. To some extent, the answer will rely on your own preferences and physiological responses to standing during work until further study is done on the topic. Even though standing desks don't have a major effect on your health, they may have a positive effect on your mental state and increase your output.

    Problems with standing workstations can't be compared to those with sitting desks. As with sitting, standing has benefits and drawbacks, but more so the former.

    Continuing in this vein of reasoning, one may deduce that a hybrid configuration offers the best opportunity to reap the advantages of both while minimising the drawbacks of either. As an alternative to a fixed-height desk for either sitting or standing, adjustable "sit-stand" workstations are gaining in popularity.

    In principle, this configuration will allow you to reap the benefits of both options while avoiding their respective drawbacks. Read the full info here.

    Even though sit-stand desks are still novel and little understood, there is preliminary evidence to support this hypothesis. Researchers from the United Kingdom set out to find an answer to this issue by analysing the effects of the sit-stand desk on hundreds of office workers. The findings were generally persuasive, with individuals reporting significant increases in productivity, interest in their work, resilience to stress, and overall satisfaction with life.

    Final Thoughts

    A standing desk is a workstation raised so that the user may stand while working. These desks are stable enough to support your computer, monitors, lights, and other desktop accessories without worrying about them toppling over or breaking. 85 percent of employees report experiencing pain as a result of sitting at a desk for more than nine hours a day. It is much simpler to include some extra activity into your day if you have a standing desk or a sit-stand workstation. You may improve your spine, back, and neck by investing in a high-quality office chair if you choose a hybrid workstation that allows you to switch between sitting and standing.

    A standing desk can help you get more done while improving your health and mood. There isn't enough study on the physiological effects of standing desks to determine one way or the other, but the evidence that does exist suggests that they aren't a very useful option. Working at a standing desk every day is a fantastic way to reduce the risk of developing health problems associated with sitting for long periods of time. Using a standing desk can increase productivity by as much as 45%. People who use them may also feel better emotionally, have more energy, and have a healthier heart rate.

    Some standing desks may cost more than $5,000. Thankfully, you can get dozens of high-quality desks for far less money. Standing for extended periods of time can be harmful to your back. The healthiest thing you can do for your back is to switch between sitting and standing frequently throughout the day. Alternative to a fixed-height desk for either sitting or standing, adjustable "sit-stand" workstations are gaining in popularity.

    Go for a sit-stand desk, whether it's manual or electric, to switch between sitting and standing as needed. Standing on your feet all day may be exhausting and harmful to your health. If you're in the market for a standing desk, we recommend checking out the standing desks that made our top picks list.

    Even if you have a high-tech ergonomic chair, standing workstations can assist reduce the health risks associated with sitting all day. You may boost your disposition and vitality by keeping yourself on your toes.

    Obviously, these workstations may be rather costly, especially if you're looking for a completely electric version. Plus, with so many moving components, they tend to break down more often than, say, a regular desk. Standing on your feet all day may be exhausting and harmful to your health.

    Yet, for those who have trouble staying awake and productive during the day, the perks of standing workstations greatly exceed the drawbacks. So, go for a sit-stand desk, whether it's manual or electric. These will allow you to switch between sitting and standing as needed, allowing you to get up and move about and maintain a good posture at work.

    In the market for a standing desk? If you're interested in learning more about your alternatives, from basic risers to manually-cranked and electrically-adjustable standing desks, we recommend checking out the standing desks that made our top picks list.

    Content Summary: 

    • The act of sitting itself has received a negative reputation.
    • The health effects of sitting at a computer for nine or more hours a day have been comparable to those of smoking, and an astounding 85 percent of employees report experiencing pain as a result.
    • The sit-stand desk, often known as a standing desk, offers a solution for office workers in the current day.
    • People are beginning to see that this ergonomically superior item has far-reaching implications beyond those of a standard piece of workplace equipment.
    • Workers who use sit-stand desks are more likely to get up from time to time, which has several health benefits, especially for the spine, including relieving strain on the back and increasing metabolic rate.
    • Do you want to sit or stand while working at your desk and are considering purchasing such a desk?
    • A standing desk is a workstation that is raised so that the user may stand while working.
    • These desks are stable enough to support your computer, monitors, lights, and other desktop accessories without worrying about them toppling over or breaking.
    • Your work environment will be the same, only that you'll be standing more often.
    • You may pick a standing desk that fits your requirements and preferences from the many available options, including height-adjustable sit-stand desks and risers 
    • Should I get a new sit-stand desk or a unit that sits on top of the desk I already own?
    • The quantity of room you have is a major factor here.
    • A freestanding sit-stand desk may be the better option if you have a wider workspace or like to spread out your work.
    • If your current desk footprint is perfect for you, then the best affordable standing desk unit placed over your current desk may be the better option.
    • Anyone who wants to utilising a standing desk can do so without hesitation.
    • However, people who spend most of their day sitting at a desk, or who are mostly sedentary outside of or in addition to typical Monday-Friday work hours, may benefit greatly from investing in a standing desk.
    • It is much simpler to include some extra activity into your day if you have a standing desk or a sit-stand workstation.
    • You may improve your spine, back, and neck by investing in a high-quality office chair if you choose a hybrid workstation that allows you to switch between sitting and standing.
    • If you've been paying attention to the globe for the previous half decade, you'll know that standing desks are the newest fad in the business world.
    • Someone at your workplace is probably a champion of the "standing desk" movement.
    • These devices have made their way into our homes as we equip our bedrooms, living rooms, and makeshift home offices with the newest remote work tools.
    • If you've been paying attention to the globe for the previous half decade, you'll know that standing desks are the newest fad in the business world.
    • Someone at your workplace is probably a champion of the "standing desk" movement.
    • These devices have made their way into our homes as we equip our bedrooms, living rooms, and makeshift home offices with the newest remote work tools.
    • The health benefits and increased output of a standing desk setup are two of the most prevalent justifications for making the investment.
    • Both can be enhanced by decreasing sedentary time and increasing physical activity.
    • You can improve your chances of a pain-free workday by 80%* if you stand and move about more during the day.
    • As you may expect, having a pain-free workday results in increased output.
    • Simply put, a standing desk can help you get more done while improving your health and mood.
    • If you require evidence, What follows is a condensed version of what scientific research has found.
    • The other benefit of standing workstations is that they help with weight loss.
    • On this point, scientists have reached an agreement.
    • The myth that working at a standing desk would magically rid you of your weight gain is just that: a myth.
    • In the long run, you might lose a few pounds, but in the short term, you won't see much of a change in your weight.
    • So, to sum up, there isn't enough study on the physiological effects of standing desks to determine one way or the other, but the evidence that does exist suggests that they aren't a very useful option.
    • Your health and productivity might benefit from working at a raised desk.
    • Researchers at the Texas A&M Health Science Center showed that people who work at standing desks are up to 46% more productive than those who sit down.
    • Participants in the Texas A&M research reported a 75 percent reduction in physical discomfort.
    • Research conducted in Australia discovered that people's focus, productivity, and capacity to handle stress all improved when they worked at workstations that encouraged movement.
    • Employees' ability to think outside the box, complete tasks more quickly, and work together effectively is boosted in non-sedentary settings, according to studies.
    • We weren't too shocked by these results because, in our surveys of Vari users, we often hear that working at a standing desk improves their energy levels, concentration, and output.
    • We'd also want to hear from you if you decide to purchase a standing desk solution from us.
    • Could you use some health, happiness, and increased output?
    • Knowing that standing desks are available, we may evaluate their benefits and drawbacks.
    • Of course, while we may talk about them and provide suggestions, the final decision rests with you.
    • Using a standing desk can help you avoid significant health problems, which is its primary advantage.
    • Obesity, heart disease, some malignancies, shoulder discomfort, back pain, diabetes, early mortality, and so on have all been related to prolonged durations of sitting.
    • Working at a standing desk every day is a fantastic way to reduce the risk of developing health problems associated with sitting for long periods of time (eight hours or more each day).
    • One further way in which standing desks excel is in their ability to increase calorie expenditure.
    • Fidgeting, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, and generally moving about all consume more calories than sitting still does.
    • Additionally, you may find that you have improved posture as a result of working on strengthening and toning the muscles in your legs and back.
    • It has been found that using a standing desk might increase productivity by as much as 45 percent.
    • People who use them may also feel better emotionally, have more energy, and have a healthier heart rate than those who sit all day.
    • It doesn't take much effort to transition from seated to standing while at your desk.
    • The positive effects on your emotional and physical health, as well as your general well-being, will be immediately apparent once you make that shift.
    • Surely nobody would reject that.
    • The price of standing workstations is perhaps the largest drawback of using them.
    • Standing desks can cost twice as much as standard desks ($100-$200).
    • Standing desks have several advantages, but their high cost may make them unfeasible for certain people.
    • There is always a chance that one of these tables may break because of all the mechanical pieces within.
    • The finest standing desks should come with a guarantee, but if yours breaks and has to be repaired, you may be without a desk for a few weeks.
    • Some standing desks may cost more than $5,000, making them a hefty purchase.
    • Thankfully, though, you can get dozens of high-quality desks at far more reasonable prices.
    • Desks that can be adjusted manually may be found for as little as $250, while motorised models begin at approximately $500.
    • You may even go with a desktop riser if you're on a lower budget.
    • They provide a similar experience for far less money, usually between $50 to $150.
    • And for what it's worth, there's no reason to spend more than $800 on a standing desk, let alone more than $1,000.
    • Price ranges between $250 and $300 for a manual standing desk and $500 to $600 for a fully motorised workstation.
    • The recent backlash against sitting may make you want to take a position against sitting altogether and instead stand while working.
    • However, standing for extended periods of time can be just as harmful to your back as sitting all day.
    • The greatest strategy is to switch up your postures during the day.
    • After being sedentary for an hour, you should get up and walk about.
    • If you've been on your feet for a while, sit down for a bit.
    • The healthiest thing you can do for your back is to switch between sitting and standing frequently throughout the day, which is why sit-stand desks are so wonderful.
    • Make sure you're ready for the adjustment time when you make the switch to a sit-stand desk.
    • Standing all day at work might tyre you out faster than you'd imagine if you're used to sitting all day.
    • The shift can be made more bearable by gradually increasing the time spent standing, using supportive footwear, and making use of a gel mat.
    • The benefits of a sit-stand workstation far outweigh any initial discomfort or inconvenience.
    • The spinal health of your staff members will be eternally grateful.
    • Although studies show no physical benefits from using a standing desk, this doesn't imply that you won't enjoy your job more if you switch to one.
    • To some extent, the answer will rely on your own preferences and physiological responses to standing during work until further study is done on the topic.
    • Even though standing desks don't have a major effect on your health, they may have a positive effect on your mental state and increase your output.
    • Problems with standing workstations can't be compared to those with sitting desks.
    • As with sitting, standing has benefits and drawbacks, but more so the former.
    • Continuing in this vein of reasoning, one may deduce that a hybrid configuration offers the best opportunity to reap the advantages of both while minimising the drawbacks of either.
    • As an alternative to a fixed-height desk for either sitting or standing, adjustable "sit-stand" workstations are gaining in popularity.
    • In principle, this configuration will allow you to reap the benefits of both options while avoiding their respective drawbacks.
    • Read the full info here.
    • Even though sit-stand desks are still novel and little understood, there is preliminary evidence to support this hypothesis.
    • Researchers from the United Kingdom set out to find an answer to this issue by analysing the effects of the sit-stand desk on hundreds of office workers.
    • The findings were generally persuasive, with individuals reporting significant increases in productivity, interest in their work, resilience to stress, and overall satisfaction with life.
    • Thoughts Even if you have a high-tech ergonomic chair, standing workstations can assist reduce the health risks associated with sitting all day.
    • You may boost your disposition and vitality by keeping yourself on your toes.
    • Obviously, these workstations may be rather costly, especially if you're looking for a completely electric version.
    • Plus, with so many moving components, they tend to break down more often than, say, a regular desk.
    • Standing on your feet all day may be exhausting and harmful to your health.
    • Yet, for those who have trouble staying awake and productive during the day, the perks of standing workstations greatly exceed the drawbacks.
    • So, go for a sit-stand desk, whether it's manual or electric.
    • These will allow you to switch between sitting and standing as needed, allowing you to get up and move about and maintain a good posture at work.
    • In the market for a standing desk?
    • If you're interested in learning more about your alternatives, from basic risers to manually-cranked and electrically-adjustable standing desks, we recommend checking out the standing desks that made our top picks list.
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